Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Sock Closer to a Pair

I have been knitting, just not blogging much. I've finished the first Twilight sock with the Wolf Creek Wools yarn I bought as Stitches West. The Twilight pattern came from the 2 at a Time Socks, book. It is supposed to be knit using the Magic Loop method....that didn't work out so well. Back to my trusty DPNs.
I've gotten to the heel flap for the second sock. Since we have moved into the season of pleasant really hot weather, now is the best time to knit socks like crazy for winter.

I've also begun my first ever sweater. Not counting the shrug I knitted for Lisa. It's going slowly. So far I have learned I make a lot of careless mistakes. These mistakes cause me to have to rip out many rows. These rows are up to 282 stitches. You do the math, that's probably why it's going slowly. There will be photos shortly.


Unknown said...

Although I as a 15 year old may not be interested in knitting while scrolling through different blogs, when yours popped up my grandmother happened to be in the room and she said she found this blogging idea "nifty" she said she wanted me to say that yours in particular looked good and so did your knittings. :)
Anyways, I just joined Blogger and am trying to get some followers to read my blog and I would greatly appreciate if you could find time to look at my blog and and comment
Thanks Cody!

Mary said...

I don't know if you'll see this, but thank you so much for your comment on my blog! And I wish I could knit.

Minimiss said...

Hi Janet. I hope you get this. You haven't posted on Grandma's Hand for quite some time. How are things with you?

Marrianne (Minimiss on Ravelry)